What is ARTGALA?
ARTGALA is online auction platform that aim to bridge emerging and mid career artist with bluechip collector and patron.
What services does ARTGALA provide?
ARTGALA provides online auctions, private auction rooms and advisory services. These services are exclusive to our members.
What Advisory services does ARTGALA provide ?
Personal Consults for Private Sales & Acquisitions
Personal Consults of Sourcing & Displaying Artwork
Curating Art Projects
Private Consults For Interior Design Projects
Consults & Curating Corporate & Hotel Projects
Artist and Portfolio Management
Artist Commissions and Creative Projects
Management of Private Collections
Coordinating and Management of Art Projects
Private Auction and Consultation
What are the requirements to participate in ARTAGALA?
Membership is required to actively participate in our auctions, or consign/list artwork, fine jewelry or unique home items.
Must Agree to Terms & Conditions
Must Agre Privsacy & Policy’s
What is ARTGALA?
What is the process?
Join as registered Member
Browser our site.
Consign artwork by filling the art Consignment Form
Place a bid by visiting our auction page
Book & Recerve Request advisory or private auction roserceices by visiting our auction room page.
What are the requirements to submit art consignment agreement ofARTAGALA auctions or advisory services?
Certificate of Authenticity is required to submit or consig artwork to ARTGALA.
Consigner must agree to Terms & Condiotn
Consigmenr must agree all legal Agrement between ARTGALA such as art Consiment Agrement , Artist Agrement or Art Advisory’s Service Agremen.
Is there any submission fee?
There is no registration fee upon the submission of your art consignment form.
What is the membership fee?
There is no memberships registration fee.
How does the pricing of my work get evaluated?
ARTGALA will recpct the price considered on the art consignment form.
How does the payment process work?
Payment remains in escrow until shipment of the artwork is completed. ARTGALA charges a 15% commission of the final bid.
I submitted my art Consignment form, but why didn’t I receive a confirmation?
ARTGALA should respond with 10 Business…. If you have not received a response during this time Due to high demand we might not have a moment to respond promptly and you submission has been waitlisted, in the even more that 15 Business day have passed we encourage to resubmit your item and ARTGALA will back to you as soon as possible.
How does the shipping process work?
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Is shipping provided to the seller?
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What is the % ARTGALA charges?
ARTGALA charges 15% commitments of final bid.
ARTGALA Advisory service fee vary depending on the duration and type of project.
What are the benefits of registering as collecting Member?
As a registered member you will be notified of upcoming auctions and events. As an active participant you will recieve access to private sale, private event and company updates.
As a gallery would we be eligible to participate & consign work for auction?
How can I receive acces to ARTGALA Blue chip private sales.
Once the artwork has ended what is the payment process?
Escrow Accounts An escrow account is an account where assets are held by a third party (not you or your insurance company) to make sure that you meet your obligations.
Escrow is a legal concept describing a financial instrument whereby an asset or escrow money is held by a third party on behalf of two other parties that are in the process of completing a transaction.
Once the auciton or private sale has closed what is the payment transaction process ?
During the time of the auction the artwork remains in your possession until the auction has ended and the reserved price has met or exceeded. Arrangements for shipping will then be provided. Shipping and handling will be managed through a third party shipping company. Payment remains in escrow until shipment of the artwork is completed. ARTGALA charges a 15% commission of the final bid.
How can I consing my private collection to ARTGALA?
I’m not an artist or collector can I become a registered member?
How to gain private membership?
All ARTGALA member are private. We pride our company in maintain the information of our collector and price sale database private.
Is the possibilities of hosting my own private auction a possibility?
Yes. For more information of privat auciton room services please visit our auction room pag.
I have a private collection does a ARTGALA due private auctions
What is a COA?
A certificate of authenticity is a stamp of approval, commonly a seal on paper, that demonstrates that an artwork is authentic. It includes specifications and details about the name, production, dimensions, materials and references, as well as qualifications and complete contact details of the individual or entity that authored the certificate.
ARTGALA requires Certificates of Authenticity because we believe in honesty and transparency. We strive to guarantee security and quality of your investment.
If you are an artist, providing a Certificate of Authenticity is the best way to keep track of your work, prove validity and originality to potential collectors and minimize the chances of your artwork being forged and sold.
What are Bidding Increments?
What are Bidding Increments?
Our automatic bidding increments determine the next minimum bid that can be placed. They are based on the current bid of each item and increase at the following intervals, when the current bid is:
Under $1,000: $50
$1,000 – $1,999: $100
$2,000 – $4,999: $250
$5,000 – $9,999: $500
$10,000 – $19,999: $1,000
$20,000 – $49,999: $2,000
$50,000 – $99,999: $5,000
At or above $100,000: $10,000
Note: Our usual bidding increments are listed above, but depending on the auction, we will default to the bidding increments of our auction house partners.
How does payment work after an auction?
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How does shipping work?
After an auction, the buyer will be connected with the seller to arrange shipping. Normally buyers may choose between a common carrier and a specialist fine art shipper. Shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer.
How do I place a bid?
Step 1: Log in
Step 2: Visit our auction pag and select your desired auction or auctions.
Step 3: Place Bid
What is the “reserve price?”
The reserve price or reservation price is the minimum amount that a seller will accept as the winning bid.
Can I retract a bid?
No. If you have accidently placed a bid please contact our representatives so that they can further assist you.
How do I know if I’ve been outbid? If I placed the winning bid?
You will receive update as the auction is occurring. Once the auction has ended if you are the highest bidde you will receive an emai the indication of the payment process.
How do I complete my purchase after winning?
Once the auction has ended if you are the highest bidder you will receive an emai the indication of the payment process.
How can I submit payment?
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What are the total costs included in the final price?
Final bidder must pay hammer price of the artwok as well as the shipping.
I’m an artist, can I consign my own work on ARTGALA ?
What are the total costs included in the final price?
Final Bid
Third party Shipping Fee.
Escrow Fee.
How can I return my item?
All auction sales are final and non refundable.
Can I submit payment directly to the organization once I’ve won a work in a Benefit auction?
Yes. All ARTGALA Auction room benefit reception hav a direct link that will allow you to donate directly to the organization.
How do liveAuction Room & Benefit events work?
ARTGALA’s Private Rooms Services are not open to the public and are subject to reservation and booking with our advisory team.
Private Auction Room receptions have limited space entrance and require the payment of paddle code registration. Paddle Code Fees vary depending on the time of auction or benefit reception.
Who do I contact if I want to organize a Benefit Auction?
to hos a benefit auction please contact artgalaauctions@gmail.com or submit you project on the following form.
What couriers does ARTGALA recommend?
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Do you offer insurance?
ARTGALA does not offer insurance, however you request advisory services and an representative will work closely to acquire third party shipping insurance or insurance company.
Can I change the pickup address of a work I’ve consigned?
Yes. If the consigned artwok has been relocated please contact an ARTGALA representative for the seemingly easy process of shipping with third party shipping process once the auction has needed and need to be sent to the final bidder.
What happens if I missed a delivery?
As mentioned in the Art Consimgent Agremnt if the artwok is not deliver ARTGAL will not pay the seller the fianl bid and payment will be reinbolce to the buyer. Seller will be charge a missed file er fee.
What is an Art Consimgent Agremnt?
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What is the exact delivery date for my purchase?
Upon conclusion of the auction the winning bidder must proceed to check out. Total payment is subject to shipping fees based on the origin, destination, size and value of the item.
Additional fees (such as Customs Duty, Import Tax, Excise Tax, VAT or any other fee) imposed upon delivery is the sole responsibility of the recipient. In order to facilitate a prompt transaction, all contact information must be accurate and current.
We will work closely with the winning bidder to finalize all pertinent details regarding the shipment of the acquired item.
We are not responsible for any loss caused by natural disasters. We are not responsible for any loss or damaged during the shipping process. All shipping is handled by a third party.
For more information please contact us at artgala.info@gmail.com
Can you hold my purchase until I am available to receive it?
No. ARTGALA Does not receive artwork at any time. ARTGALA would be happy to facilitate third party art storage company that can further assist the receiving of you artwork.
ARTGALA is not response for the lost of the artwork. Terms and conditions of shipping is the responsibility of third party shipping company and art handling and storage company.
We are not responsible for any loss caused by natural disasters. We are not responsible for any loss or damaged during the shipping process. All shipping is handled by a third party.
For more information please contact us at artgala.info@gmail.com